Simulating double pendulum

Posted on May 05, 2019 in Physics

If you attach a single pendulum to another with it's fixed point being at the mass of the later, you get a double pendulum. The strings are massless as usual. Point mass \(m1\) and \(m2\) are hooked at the ends of the two pendulum. I've taken \(m_1 = 10\ Kg\) and \(m_2 = 5\ Kg\) for all the examples below.


This is a simple, maybe even contrived example of a chaotic system. If even a slight difference is introduced in two otherwise identical systems, the time evolution happens to be drastically different for these systems. Play the demonstration below, watch till the differences start to seem apparent and notice how wildly they diverge from each other.

\(\dagger\) there's a problem with two penduli above. If you've noticed it, great! I'll try to fix this later.